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Sunday, April 13, 2014

UFOs Outside The Mental Hospital

Oh, it doesn't get much stranger than this folks... from inside a 2010 mental ward.... a report you will not forget easily... from the latest MUFON reports of March 22nd - the location, New Hampshire:
(the above is the full MUFON link - a few comments by me after the report you see below)
red is my emphasis
After learning about the "Illuiminati"/ "Secret government", it scared me so much that I had a mental breakdown and was put in a mental ward. I was later diagnosed schizophrenia. I must say though, being in this hospital. I was getting a weird vibe that it was somehow connected to NASA. I met people my age (20) who seemed to me to be "special" in their own right. I later connected this to the movie Akira, which depicts Super Solider Children that have god like powers that save the world. After realizing I had found something much bigger than the illuminati or other conspiracies I had an UFO experience. I was in the hospital for about a month and after being in there two weeks, seeing new people come and go, one night before going to bed I wanted to look at the stars. I sat on my bed and looked outside. There were court yard lights in the courtyard in the middle of the hospital so it was hard to see the stars. I turned away from the window thinking I wouldn't see any stars. For some reason I looked back to the stars and I noticed there were 3-6 white glowing things in the sky. being a long time star observer i noticed these lights were in out atmosphere and were too close to the ground to be stars. They must of been 500 ft off the ground. Not making any noise not moving. Another weird thing i did without thinking, I closed my eyes, and immediately after closing my eyes, I saw what looked like crop circle IMAGES. What I saw was a black background with white detailed of the picture. Not so much a outline but the part of the picture that had information was white. Not painful at all total silent. They showed me 6-9 images, one being a swastika. I couldn't believe this was happening to me. I opened my eyes and looked out the window with my heavy breathing. The objects were closer to the ground now they were over the tree tops. I still couldn't make out if they were orbs or UFOS or if it was light coming off the UFOs but they looked like glowing lights. A man who was doing room checks then came in to see me and i almost jumped through the roof. I screamed and yelled at him, "They're outside!!!!!" He looked at me and said, " We Know… Try to sleep…" He left and I jumped back on my and looked out the window. The objects moved from over the treetops to about 1-2 miles into the sky and were hard to see. they had stayed in perfect formation. They were in a line. Going from left to right. This reminded me of the big dipper.
Other than my standard warning about disinfo agents - this is an interesting account about the deep rabbit hole that one can dig when encountering `BS' about unknown subjects... like the Illuminati crappola.
Strange UFO Stories - and over a dozen more in the archive to consume. Thanks for your readership - why not bookmark and return?
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Wednesday, April 9, 2014

1919 Goose Pond Woods Tennesse - Orb Light Follows Family Group After Being Beckoned

Wow, the headline on this one says it all really - but, it's still worth your one minute read. From the MUFON Reports of Jan. 15th 2014:
There is a place in our county they call the GOOSE POND WOODS, this story is the story that my mother handed down to me and all our cousins, as she had four sisters and the all were walking home from church in the years of 1919-1921....these woods have long been a haunting place as locals have said that horses would not travel through at night. It is said that one of the girls said "lord send us a light" and a large white light came down over the top of the trees and followed them all the way home.. the light was so bright you could have seen to pick up a needle my mother told me...I just wanted to put this on record because this was before planes, all my cousins know this tale from beginning to end...tks [Name removed/cms/tg]
Be careful of what one asks for, right? As is quite often the case, we have another example of the Orb phenomena not only `actualizing' upon demand - but - also displays the `following' phenomena that is also reported upon occasion. A Classic Story.
Please Explore the Archive Of Stories

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Controlled Orb Watches Couple Watch It For 2 Hours - Then Ascends - Blum Texas 3/15/14 (Latest MUFON Reports)

As you all are getting a feel for probably about now - the REAL UFOs in our skies are Orbs. Seemingly these Orbs have many characteristics... one of which is to make the viewer think THEY are being watched too...... and other attributes... read the account below for more details:
(reported 3/20 to MUFON)
It was the early morning of March 15,2014. My husband and myself were camping on the Brazos river near Blum Texas. We were out doing some morning fishing. Right before getting out of the car I noticed a white light flying toward us. At first I thought it was an airplane so I didn't pay much mind to it. Then it stopped moving. It was flying low maybe 500 feet in the air and was a across the river from us. For almost two hours it stayed in the same area, moving only a little bit at a time. It would sway side to side, move up and then down. It was a single very bright white light, it was like the brightest star youve ever seen only this light was about 500 ft in the air. I told my husband that we had to wait until the sun came up to see what it would do. We had completely ditched fishing and just sat in the car gazing with curiosity and disbelief. We knew that not only where we watching this UFO, but that it was definitely watching us too. As the sun started to come up we watched it slowly ascend into the sky, in a straight line, and at a consistent speed. We video taped it and watched it ascend through the morning clouds until it was so far away we could no longer see it. We have video of it while it was still dark outside , when it started to ascend to space as the sun started to rise and we have video of it after the sun was up and you can still see it through the clouds. This was by far the weirdest experience of my life. I have had doubts about ufos and aliens but this affirmed it for me and now I am a true believer.
One has to wonder however why this compelling video was NOT uploaded...... Orbs, can make you a believer.
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Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Say What? New I-Phone `UFO' Communication In Brea California? (Latest MUFON Reports)

Within the past week I ran one of the very first MUFON links to suggest `communication' via `mobile devices' - it also was in California - I had the link on my UDCC blog. In that case a person was being repeatedly awaken in the night by their cellphone going off in a partial manner - to which they would awaken to a `scene' on their bedroom wall - and then saw the Orb/UFO outside their window (of which they asked the Orb for permission to photo it) - you can find that MUFON report Here.

Now, we have the report shown below - I Phone Communication With UFO MUFON Report Submitted 3/17 for the 3/12 event:
red is my emphasis
from orange county california: i see this new small orange bright star light every night the last few months. north east sky after 10 oclock when its dark. sometimes it sits stationary and sometimes it moves around like a little kid runs around. I communicated with it with my IPHONE for 1.5 hours and so did my little 9 year old son, through live video we gave it commands and it did what we asked it to do, though there was a small lag time in coms. but it was consistant. we do it alot. but it always goes back to its original location when its done goofing off. to the right(more south & down a few degrees) is a brighter orange star which i call the mothership. That never moves. but the child orange star is out of this galaxy obviously and has extreme light speed and stopping and turning ability, with no tail or blur. More active after midnight. i see it every night. kinda getting boring now, but UFON is happy to come over and observe with me what i see many times a week. Just to add the only thing that differs from its normal goofing off is the other night it came into our eyesight out of the black sky from the high west, then Encircled the earth 180 degrees from west to east and rested in its normal stationary location( high north east)took it about 30 seconds i would guess. but every night i go out and just watch for a while and it moves around then it will jog quick right then stop,then jog up and then stop then do circles, then jog back really quick. its awesome but really interesting.
Obviously, this report is about a `strange' as any normally encountered, yet, indeed, features of it are commonly reported too - such as Orb communication or seemingly so. Some folks seem to be able to call orbs into the sky or are witness on so regular a basis to think that a communication exists. But, indeed - actions of Orbs to commands are also reported such as an Orb splitting into two or multiple orbs and blinking and such. You can see such Orb Command at this link.
Find More Strange UFO Stories In The Archive

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Helicopter Chases Ball Of Light On 3/12 In Anaheim California (Latest 3/15 MUFON Reports)

One of the very strangest things about so-called UFOs (Or Orbs) is that often the Orbs can be followed shortly afterwards by Military style helicopters..... and very rarely one gets a MUFON report such as this one... where the helicopter seems to be directly involved with the Unknown. What's going on here; is the government involved at some level with these occurrences; , how long was the helicopter following; or could the very `event' be a `total perception' of a temporal nature?

Anaheim, CA- Wed evening March 12, 2014 approximately 7:30 pm while sitting in the backyard looking south toward Katella Ave, I saw a bright-white star-like orb being followed or chased by a helicopter. The brightness of the orb initially caught my eye, then I noticed how fast the copter was following. Usually copters do not fly that fast. They both were travelling from west to east about 80 mph fast, straight and horizontal about 300 feet up. They were travelling parallel to Katella Ave from about Beach Blvd vicinity when I first noticed. I ran and got my binoculars and watched as they passed in front of me. The copter was close to it, maybe 50 feet behind and slightly above it about 30 degrees. I could see the copter. I could see the orb light, there was not a craft attached to it, just a bright sphere of light. The orb appeared to be no larger than the cockpit of the copter. As they continued on fast, straight and horizontal, the orb faded out around Harbor Blvd vicinity. The copter kept going until it was out of sight. 5 minutes later 2 loud military type helicopters flew by along the same path. There were many helicopters heard that night but I did not see any more strange flying lights. This orb was self illuminated and looked like a flying ball of light, not like an aircraft with a fuselage of any sort. Too bad I didn't get a video or anyone else at home to see it, it happened so fast!

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