A mother riding with her children gave this description: April 24, 2021 2021 UFO Sightings Reported In New Zealand
Dark; clear evening. The witness and her children were entering the Equestrian Park on the outskirts of Hastings in their vehicle when they observed airborne lights approaching – two rows of lights one above the other, (possibly 12) red at the top and green along the bottom, outlining a ‘massive’ rectangular (or possibly cylindrical) long narrow shape. There were no visible white, flashing or strobing lights as there would be on an aircraft or helicopter at night. They could not see the surface or details of the object other than the lights.
The witness joked with her children, “There’s a UFO!” At that point, she felt quite calm, not at all scared, and she reported, “I think I knew it wasn’t a plane.”
They stopped and watched it approach from some distance away, slow and low, just rows of visible lights, but no body visible. The children had their car windows down, but none of them heard any sound associated with the object, and only recalled this fact the following day.
On reflection, the witness found it bizarre that her reaction to the sighting was so nonchalant, and that shortly afterwards having entered the park grounds, she did not think to comment about it to other people or ask if anyone else had seen it. At that time, most people involved in the weekend equestrian event were in their trucks, but there were others standing around in groups chatting, but nobody commented about a sighting. It was not until the next day that the witness again recalled the details.
Are you up for one more from the same page? - Same Day Same Timeframe. Different location.
The sighting occurred after dark on an absolutely clear night, and 2 days off a full moon. Duration of sighting just over 20 minutes.
The reporting witness and her daughter (driver) were leaving the Equestrian Grounds on the outskirts of Hastings. As they drove through one of the exit gates the witness saw an airborne unusual configuration of lights to the right of them, maybe 200 to 300 metres away. It had red and green lights, not flashing in rows, but showing an outline of a rectangle. The lights/object was flying very slowly, perhaps the speed of a small plane idling in to land, and it was very low, about the height of a tall poplar tree. There were 3 or 4 lights in each row and the size of the object looked substantial, far too large to be going that slowly and at that low altitude.
The reporting witness became nervous, thinking they were about to see a plane crash, even though she could not recognise the object as being a regular aircraft she would often see in this area, and she could not see a hard surface on it, just the lights. Because it was low, she briefly lost sight of it behind trees.
As the car turned right onto Stock Rd and then left onto Maraekakaho Road, the object continued on its path now going over the Mangaroa Prison. The witnesses were now able to see it again in full view and realised it was not going to crash. As they went around the Maraekakaho roundabout and headed towards Hastings, the object was still to their right passing over paddocks and orchards.
By now they had decided this was definitely no ordinary aircraft. As they neared the edge of town the object had disappeared over the first lot of houses and they thought it had gone, however just as they were about to pass the York Rd turnoff to Flaxmere, they could see it banking as it turned back towards them.
Her daughter quickly pulled over and the witness jumped out of the vehicle with her IPhone to try and capture a photo as it passed over. It appeared to hover over and back a bit from the powerlines and the streetlight on the opposite side of the roadway and diagonal to them. The witness quickly took 3 Live Photo’s then tried to alter the mode to video, but had trouble with this and took 2 still photos.
The object then flew off towards Flaxmere.
On examining the photos with the times on them they were very surprised to realise they had been parked up for 16 minutes and that for 14 minutes the witness had not taken any photos. (Photos were inconclusive as there were a lot of lens flares and anomalies in the photos caused by temporary streetlights around roadworks.) The two women had no recollection of what happened in those 14 minutes and both thought they were at the crossroad for 2 minutes at the most. They did not hear any noise coming from the object.
On Monday the witness rang Bridge Pa Aerodrome to ask if anyone else had reported anything. The duty person stated there had been 3 aircraft doing formation flying Sunday night, but this was the night after this sighting. The witness commented, “But can they hover?”
The witness stated: “After travelling out that way (to the Equestrian fields) every day for 20 odd years, I have never witnessed anything like this and would be happy if I never did again!”
Visit the link for more 2021 UFO reports from New Zealand.
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