With endless "UFO" stories to choose from.... it's hard to pick the one right for this blog after a two year absence. How about one from this month...just a couple weeks ago...that was seen ALL OVER Ireland..... and yet NOT ONE video...even a bad one can be found via a media search and a YouTube search. That alone puts it into the segment "strange" these days.
(Uses the "that's the 2020's for you" - tag)
So, here's a few links - it was even seen by someone known in Ireland...giving it more credence?
Bright V-Shaped Object Over Ireland
One of the more well-know witnesses of this mysterious UFO in Ireland was former X Factor star Tabby Callaghan.
“I was out having a cigarette out the back and I looked up and I see a thing, initially I thought it was a flock of geese and I realized very quickly it wasn’t,” he recalled. “Then I screamed to Anna to come out quick and my partner seen it as well. “I would describe it as an upside down W, but except it looked like it was made of light. It was much lower even than a domestic flight. “It went over our house, it was very slow, it wasn’t fast and here’s the creepy thing, it was totally silent as it went over the house. It was mind blowing to be honest...
Here's the Facebook take of the Ireland UFO Group UFO Network Ireland with over 100 comments.
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