Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Multiple Witnesses See Group Of Short Grey Aliens By Campfire In Canada In 1980

They waited 38 years to tell MUFON and the report just appeared a week ago.... the website UFO Stalker provides the full report of which I provide a sample below: (location was Raymond, Alberta) 

"Myself and a couple of my friends were coming back from the new dayton bar from picking up a case of beer each for the party our friend and bandmate was having on his farm as his parents were on holidays in california. as we got close to raymond on the southeast access road, i think it was the driver who suggested that we stop by aldred’s coulee, a popular party spot just a few miles south of town, to see if anyone we knew was there? he figured we would invite them out to the party we were going to as we were all guitar/bass players and the host was the drummer and we were going to be playing in one of the outbuilding. there was also a pool, it was going to be a lot of fun for sure! well, as we approached the turn off into the coulee we could see firelight dancing off of the leaves of the large trees at the back of the clearing by the old dilapidated stone house. there was a bit of a ridge between the clearing and the entrance so we couldn’t see who was there as we pulled in until we topped the knoll and holy %@#$!!! there wasn’t a person to be seen, instead what we saw was a group of small, approximately 4’ and 2’ tall, very thin beings with large heads and big, black, almond shaped eyes! they had a bluish/grey colouration to them, very thin bodies, arms and legs. i don’t recall seeing a nose or mouth as they were about 25 yards away. it didn’t seem like they were clothed, although there suits may have been the colour of their skin, but they looked naked to me! they looked exactly what others have reported seeing, the greys people say they see you know? wow! it scared the ‘you know what’ out of us!!! the strange thing about it was that there was a small campfire burning, not large at all, normal sized, but there wasn’t anyone there, nor any vehicles??? i don’t know why they were standing around the pit, other than they may have been showing the smallest ones; i can only assume they were their children, how archaic we humans are, still using fires for heat and cooking??? .... (more at link) 
Now...those that read my blog or state UFO blogs...know that I occasionally will search MUFON reports for "entities" or "aliens" with a tag.... for example...here's a post I did on my Florida State UFO Blog - that showed 10, yes 10 MUFON reports in 2016 from Florida...mentioned entities.

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